Biden Admin Finds a Family It Wants to Deport: German Christian Homeschoolers

Believe it or not, there are some foreigners the Biden administration wants to deport.
The government has served notice to a foreign family that they need to leave the United States by October 11. In less than a week, they need to be out of this country.
They have applied for asylum, but the government rejected their claim.
The Romeike family has resided here for 15 years and has both citizen and non-citizen members, but it doesn’t matter. The non-citizens of the family – the majority – have to get out.
It’s quite a contrast with what’s going on at our border, where millions of unvetted foreigners have been allowed to enter and stay in the U.S.
That policy, however, is not being applied to the Romeikes.
The Romeikes are white, evangelical homeschoolers from Germany. Are they being singled out? It’s a fair question.
The Romeike saga begins in Germany.
Uwe Romeike and his wife Hannelore, both music teachers, decided to homeschool their five children.
Homeschooling is prohibited in Germany, and the government cracked down hard.
They were fined and their children were forcibly removed from their home and sent to school. The government even threatened to take the children away permanently.
What could the Romeikes do?
They could have moved to the neighboring German-speaking country of Austria, where homeschooling is legal. Instead, they decided to move to the United States in 2008, settling in Tennessee.
They applied for asylum in the U.S., which was granted in 2010.
But in 2012, the U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals overturned their asylum status.
With the help of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) they appealed that decision, which was denied again in 2013.
In 2014, the Supreme Court denied a rehearing of the case.
As the Romeike’s case progressed, it attracted a great deal of attention.
In 2014, after five years of legal wrangling, the Romeike family was granted “indefinite deferred action status,” which allowed them to stay in the country.
The publicity surrounding their case probably helped them. Also, the Obama administration might have allowed it in order to bolster its own administrative amnesty agenda.
Case closed – or so they thought.
Nine years later, their situation suddenly changed.
During a routine check on September 6, 2023, the Romeikes were informed that they were being deported back to Germany. They were given no explanation, except that it was a “change of orders."
By October 11, unless something changes, they are supposed to be out of the country and returning to Germany.
Since their migration to the U.S. in 2008, the Romeike family has grown, in both age and numbers.
Two more (U.S.-born) children have been added to the family. The seven children now range in age from 10 to 26 years old.
The eldest two children have married U.S. citizens.
Uwe and Hannelore are now grandparents, as one of the couples has given birth to a child.
Therefore, if you deport the non-citizens of the family – which is most of them – and the citizens stay, you are splitting up a family.
We’ve been told that’s evil if you do it to Latin Americans. Maybe it’s not if you do it to Germans.
For more information on the plight of the Romeike family, consult these sources at the HSLDA (here, here and here) and this article by James Fulford, which has many additional links.
If the Romeikes were felons, the New York Times and Washington Post would be running sob stories about them.
— VDARE (@vdare) September 28, 2023
But because they’re white Christians, they get nothing.
All immigration restrictionists are not in agreement on this case.
Jon Feere, Director of Investigations at the Center for Immigration Studies, argues that the family should be deported.
But this case doesn’t exist in a vacuum.
Contrast the Romeike situation with the massive invasion of our border, facilitated by our own government. When you do that, it sure looks like the Romeikes are being singled out.
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