Border Agents Airlift Five Illegals “Trapped” in Arizona Mountains

Border authorities airlifted five illegal aliens who required hospitalization after becoming “trapped” in an Arizona mountain range.
Two separate rescues unfolded in the Peloncillo Mountains last weekend, according to information released by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) this week.
On June 14, U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) agents on horseback in Tucson Sector encountered a group of illegals suffering from heat exhaustion and summoned a CBP Air and Marine Operations (AMO) crew and members of a USBP Search Trauma and Rescue (BORSTAR) unit to assist.
“The first patient was unresponsive and seizing. After inserting two AMO Rescue Specialists to clear a landing zone, the migrant was loaded onto the aircraft and flown to an awaiting air ambulance. A second migrant suffering from heat exhaustion and delirious was then lifted to an awaiting Douglas Fire crew who also responded,” CBP explained in a statement.
“The third migrant was unable to walk, necessitating the individual to be raised into the aircraft via hoist along with an AMO Rescue Specialist. The patient was also flown to awaiting Douglas Fire Department personnel for transport by ground ambulance.”
A second extrication took place on Sunday in the Peloncillos near the Arizona/New Mexico border.
A USBP Horse Patrol agent located nine illegal border crossers and determined two required emergency medical attention.
“After finding an acceptable landing zone in the harsh/steep mountainous terrain,” a Tucson Air Branch crew airlifted them individually, transferring one to a waiting air ambulance and another to a ground ambulance, CBP reported.
Both were treated at a hospital in Sierra Vista, AZ.
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