European Patriots Launch New Group to Fight Mass Migration, Open Borders

A group of prominent activists and former officials from a variety of nations have banded together to launch a new group opposing mass migration and open borders in Europe.
“Action Radar Europe” was unveiled last week when organizers staged a bold demonstration at the entrance to European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.
“Remigration! Save our nation!” the men chanted while holding a large banner reading “Remigration Now / Deport Terrorists” at the gateway to the stronghold of European globalism.
“Last weekend, activists and spokespersons of patriotic movements from all over Europe met and carried their demand to the gates of the EU-Parliament. This is their message to the politicians and youth of Europe,” the group wrote in a post with half a million views at the time of this writing.
InfoWars spoke to founders Martin Sellner, a prominent Austrian activist, and Dries Van Langenhove, a former Belgian MP and attorney.
“As European activists we’ve noticed that we are often way better informed about what’s going on across the ocean in America, then we are about what’s going on in the European countries surrounding us. With Action Radar Europe we want to change that. We want to give more visibility to the patriotic activism that’s taking place all across our continent,” Van Langenhove explained.
“We also want to try harder to beat the heavy censorship that’s been targeting a lot of European activists.”
“In the past decades, a lot of the powers of democratically-elected national governments have been usurped by the European Union, most importantly the power over who is allowed into our countries. We demand closed borders to protect our people, and we brought that demand to the gates of the European Union in Brussels,” he continued. “And we’ll be back. We are gaining strength and momentum each day, even as they oppose us with everything they’ve got.”
Sellner offered similar sentiments, asserting, “Our enemies act globally, so international cooperation of patriots is also needed. The goal of Action Radar is to network and organize identitarian action groups.”
“We live in crucial times, because we are the last generation that can stop the population exchange. Therefore, our messages must become clearer and our actions more visible and stronger. That’s why we founded Action Radar.”
The first meeting of Action Radar unfolded just days after two people were killed in Brussels by a jihadist who opened fire on a group of Swedish soccer fans.
The suspect, Abdesalem Lassoued, was a failed asylum seeker from Tunisia who had been living in Belgium for years.
This article was originally published by
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