Gang of African Illegals Attack Man Over His 'Sexual Orientation' on French Bus

A young man is recovering from injuries sustained when he was beaten up on a bus in France by a gang of illegal migrants who disagreed with his 'sexual orientation,' according to reports.
The incident unfolded late on Saturday night in Suresnes, a commune in the Paris suburbs.
A lone male rider was engaged in conversation with a group of Algerian migrants when the situation spiraled out of control.
"According to the information gathered, a discussion would have started between the four individuals and the victim, all drunk," CNews reports.
"After several exchanges and debates on religion, the discussion would have deviated to sexuality, according to the statements of the young man attacked."
The migrants reportedly expressed displeasure when they learned the victim was not a heterosexual.
Suddenly, one of the Algerians punched him in the face, fracturing his nose.
The victim was taken to hospital by emergency services and four suspects were taken in to police custody.
Authorities discovered all four were illegally present in the country and had previously received orders to leave French territory.
An investigation is ongoing.
Infowars regularly documents chaos and attacks on public transportation in Western Europe.
This article was originally published by Infowars Europe.