How Many Migrants Are on Their Way to the USA?

The Biden Border Rush continues, with hordes of illegal aliens being welcomed into the country.
Where does it all end?
We might consider looking at the sending nations for answers.
If the Border Rush continues, how many people will decide to come to the U.S.A.?
Nobody knows for sure, but a major international poll gives us a clue that it could be a lot of people.
In late January, Gallup released a report entitled, Nearly 900 Million Worldwide Wanted to Migrate in 2021.
The article began thusly: “The COVID-19 pandemic severely disrupted people’s mobility worldwide, but it didn’t stop them from wanting to move. In fact, Gallup surveys show that in the second year of the pandemic, people’s desire to migrate reached its highest point in a decade. In 2021, 16% of adults worldwide – which projects to almost 900 million people – said they would like to leave their own country permanently, if they could.”
That’s from 2021, in January of which Joe Biden became president. We can easily assume the percentages are the same or higher in early 2023.
Where would they go? To the United States, said 18% of those surveyed. In second place was our neighbor to the north, Canada, at 8%. Germany came in third place at 7%.
Furthermore, "Desire to migrate rose to decade-high levels in regions that are already well-known for sending migrants, such as Latin America and the Caribbean, sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the Commonwealth of Independent States.”
Not only that, but, “in 13 countries, about half or more of the adult population would like to move to another country if they had the chance.” Wow!
Of those countries, Sierra Leone in Africa was #1, with 76% wanting to leave.
Latin American countries in that category were Honduras (56%), Dominican Republic (50%), and Ecuador (47%).
Gallup Chairman Jim Clifton published an opinion piece entitled, What's the Message to 46 Million Latin Americans?
Here’s how it began: “During the 2022 fiscal year, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended nearly 2.4 million migrants who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally – shattering the previous year’s record high. Migrants from Mexico and the Northern Triangle – El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala – accounted for more than half of all apprehensions. But the latest surge in migrants has come from other Latin American countries such as Venezuela, Haiti, Cuba and Nicaragua.”
“The question U.S. leaders should be able to answer regardless of their politics: How many more people from Latin America could be coming to the southern U.S. border?”
Yes, indeed, that’s a legitimate question.
“Roughly 466 million adults live in the countries that make up Latin America and the Caribbean. Gallup has interviewed residents in these countries each year for the past 16 years, asking adults if they would like to move to another country permanently if they could. In 2022, 30% said "yes." This means roughly 140 million Latin Americans would like to move permanently to another country – if they could. Gallup then asked where they would like to move. Of those who want to leave their country permanently, 33% – or 46 million – said they want to move to the United States.”
It's not surprising that a third of Latin America would want to move to the United States.
But that doesn’t make it a good idea.
The current state of the border, however, makes it likely that more and more will choose to make the trek northwards.
Clifton ended his opinion piece thusly: “What exactly is U.S. leadership’s message to them? 300+ million U.S. citizens are wondering. So are 46 million Latin Americans.”
Chairman Clifton doesn’t offer his opinion as to what should be done. But Clifton points out that the question needs to be asked and that Americans have a stake in the matter.
As long as our government allows and facilitates millions of foreigners crossing our borders and staying in our country, more are on the way.
Do we have any say in the matter?
You can find more of Allan Wall's work at his website.