ICE Arrests Colombian Fugitive Released Into US by Biden’s Border Patrol Despite Homicide Conviction

ICE Arrests Colombian Fugitive Released Into US by Biden’s Border Patrol Despite Homicide Conviction
Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Federal authorities arrested a Colombian illegal who was released into the country by U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) despite a conviction for homicide in his home country.

On Monday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced the capture of the 35-year-old illegal alien in Maryland.

The Colombian has illegally entered the U.S. at least twice during the Biden administration, first on June 22, 2022.

USBP encountered the convicted killer after he crossed the southern border near San Luis, Arizona.

During processing, he was served with a notice to appear before a Department of Justice immigration judge.

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“Later that day, USBP transferred the Colombian fugitive to the custody of ERO Phoenix, who enrolled him into the Alternatives to Detention [ATD] program and released him from custody,” ICE explained in a press release.

“ERO Baltimore terminated the Colombian noncitizen from ATD July 6, 2022, after he failed to report as scheduled.”

The Colombian left the U.S. more than a year later on December 17, 2023.

He then reentered the country illegally at an unknown location and date.

On June 12, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) learned the man was present in the state of Maryland and that he was being sought by Colombian authorities to serve a prison sentence of more than 17 years for a conviction of aggravated homicide in 2017.

ICE ERO agents from the Baltimore office tracked him down at his residence in Lanham, MD, and took him into custody on June 20.

He is currently in ICE ERO custody.

“This fugitive is wanted by Colombian authorities to serve his sentence for an aggravated homicide conviction in his home county,” ICE ERO Baltimore Field Office Director Matthew Elliston said in a statement.

“Instead of serving his prison sentence, he attempted to flee justice and hide out in Maryland.”

Authorities continue to catch dangerous foreign criminals illegally present in the U.S.

This article was originally published at

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