Invasion at Arizona’s Infamous ‘Mariposa Slab’

Invasion at Arizona’s Infamous ‘Mariposa Slab’
Wid Lyman | Border Hawk

Illegal aliens continue to pour through a gap in the border barrier near Nogales, Arizona, in an area known as the ‘Mariposa Slab.’

This 100-foot aperture in the Trump border wall exists because crews were reportedly unable to connect two sections of fence before Joe Biden took office and immediately killed the project.

Border Hawk watched as group after group was led to the Mariposa Slab by a coyote who surveilled and photographed our reporters before speeding off on a motorcycle.

“That coyote, he’ll probably come back and drop some more people off. All day, every day,” a local official told us.

Roughly 60 illegal aliens made the crossing during our coverage. 

They gathered on a dirt road nearby where they were eventually greeted by Border Patrol, loaded into a van, and whisked away for processing.

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