Michigander Caught Smuggling 27 Illegals, Detroit Media Yawns

A Michigan truck driver, with ties to Wayne County, was arrested this summer by the U.S. Border Patrol at the interior checkpoint of Falfurrias, TX.
His crime? Smuggling nearly thirty illegal aliens in his trailer.
Rodney James Legion, according to the criminal complaint, arrived at 1:11 am on the 25th of June in a green 2012 International tractor. A service canine was alerted to the conveyance, and Legion informed the canine handler that his cargo solely consisted of “canvas coats.”
The complaint notes that Legion was directed to a secondary area for further inspection. Once in secondary, the container seal was broken, the trailer was opened, and the Border Patrol canine handler discovered 27 subjects sitting on the goods being transported.
After being removed from the trailer, the subjects admitted to being in the United States without proper documentation.
Legion claimed that was hired by “Bravo Lines,” which arranged for him to fly from Detroit, MI to McAllen, TX to pick up a tractor and trailer, drive to a second warehouse to get his load, and receive a payment of $2000.00 for his work.
Upon inspection of his cell phone, to which he consented, Border Patrol learned that Legion wanted to “transport 25 subjects from an unknown party and made arrangements to receive an additional $500 if he provided his ‘baby mama’s’ vehicle” to smuggle more illegals.
As of this writing, Legion has been charged, as reported by the Texas-based Monitor, with bringing in/harboring illegals into the United States.
This is not Legion’s only time being caught smuggling-for-cash. Back in 2020, he was convicted of a conspiracy to transport undocumented aliens and served time in a federal penitentiary.
What are the take-aways from this crime?
First, unlike the endless coverage about the Michiganders who participated in the J-6 “insurrection,” the biased Michigan media buries or ignores stories that shine the light on dangerous woke policies (e.g. a porous border).
Second, we have, sadly, become immune to ‘human cargo anecdotes.’ The wow factor has been diminished due to more shocking realities like the fact that too many small children are abandoned at the border by their handlers, or by the skyrocketing increase of Americans dying from fentanyl overdoses, a drug that is increasingly illegally trafficked by the Sinaloa Cartel.
Third, a dysfunctional southern border will continue to grow the black-market economy.
Fourth, the Biden Administration’s mercenary disdain for rule of law will continue to affect all of us, in greater or lesser degrees, whether we live in the Lone Star State or the Great Lakes State.
Fifth and finally, pro-secure-borders Americans must do everything in their power to avoid becoming a victim in this emerging Great Replacement.
Please keep this in mind as November 8th draws near.
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