No to Nikki Haley's Immigration Plan

Donald Trump is way ahead of any other Republican candidate, even though he refuses to participate in the debates.
Nevertheless, other major candidates continue to campaign vigorously. Why?
In the first place, running for president, even if you lose, is a great way to raise your profile. It might lead to a cabinet position or even the vice presidency.
And this election, the front-runner is under various indictments. The other candidates are probably thinking, "Hey, if Trump gets forced out I have a better chance."
Of course, each of these candidates has a different strategy.
Chris Christie is running as the openly anti-Trump candidate. Not exactly a winning approach.
Ron DeSantis has based his candidacy on his record as governor of Florida, but he just hasn’t caught fire with the electorate.
Vivek Ramaswamy is a real live wire, quite entertaining at the debates, and the most likely to say something unpredictable.
Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, has been rising in the polls, and now sits in the #2 slot in New Hampshire.
Here at Border Hawk, we can’t endorse candidates. But we can point out whether they promote good policies or not.
Suffice it to say, if you are an immigration restrictionist, Nikki Haley is not your candidate.
Yes, of course, she says she’s for controlling the border, but doesn’t every candidate say that?
It’s her attitude towards immigration in general that is troubling.
At a recent appearance in a restaurant in New Hampshire, Nikki let the cat out of the bag.
Here’s what she had to say:
“So for too long, Republican and Democrat presidents dealt with immigration based on a quota. 'We’ll take X number this year, we’ll take X number next year.' The debate is on the number. It’s the wrong way to look at it. We need to do it based on merit. We need to go to our industries and say, 'What do you need that you don’t have?'"
In other words, Nikki Haley wants industries to set our immigration policies. That would be disastrous.
“So, think agriculture, think tourism, think tech, we want the talent that’s gonna make us better.”
How about the talent of American people who are already here? Can’t they make us better, given the same opportunities?
“Then you bring people in that can fill those needs. That way you’re actually emboldening your economy.”
That’s a weird way to use the word “emboldening."
“Yes, the fabric of America is legal immigration.”
How is legal immigration the “fabric” of our country?
“But let’s get the right ones in that are gonna make America better.”
Haley’s radical America Last proposal is sadly reminiscent of another mass immigration booster, President George W. Bush (2001-2009).
In January of 2004, Dubya Bush promoted his “Any Willing Worker” proposal, proclaiming, “New immigration laws should serve the economic needs of our country. If an American employer is offering a job that American citizens are not willing to take, we ought to welcome into our country a person who will fill that job.”
That was 19 years ago.
Nikki Haley’s plan, however, might be even more radical.
The Bush plan would supposedly have first offered the jobs to Americans. Nikki’s plan is to just let industries decide how many workers they need and adjust the immigration quotas to fit.
Jon Feere, director of investigations at the Center for Immigration Studies, had this to say about Nikki Haley:
“She’s saying that she believes foreigners and corporations should be the only people making decisions about how much immigration the United States should have in a given year."
“She looks at [immigration] entirely as a policy for obtaining cheap captive labor. I'm sorry, but our immigration system is about creating permanent future American citizens and that’s not something that should be outsourced to billion-dollar corporations so they can make a quick buck.”
Once again, our ruling class seems obsessed with bringing in foreign workers, rather than allowing native-born Americans better employment opportunities.
How about an America First president?
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