Shock Video: Officer Stabbed by Migrant in Austria

A police officer narrowly survived a vicious stabbing attack launched by a Middle Eastern migrant hoping to force a ‘suicide by cop’ scenario in Austria, according to reports.
The shocking ambush unfolded in the capital city of Vienna on May 25 but surveillance footage just began circulating on social media this week.
In the video, a 24-year-old cop can be seen conversing with a person on a sidewalk in the Favoriten district of the city.
Suddenly, a man charges up behind the unwitting officer and attempts to plunge a large blade into his neck.
The officer was miraculously saved by his body armor, affording him time to move away from his assailant and neutralize him with an electric shock weapon.
The suspect was identified as a 41-year-old migrant from Jordan.
“As has since become known, the Jordanian apparently wanted to commit ‘suicide by cop,’ i.e. let the police kill him – at least that’s what he said in his first interrogation,” Krone reports.
Information about the case is limited. The officer escaped with minor injuries.
The brutal attack unfolded just days before a police officer was murdered by a knife-wielding jihadist from Afghanistan in the city of Mannheim, Germany.
And on Thursday, a Polish Army soldier succumbed to injuries suffered when a migrant stabbed him during a skirmish along the Belarus border in late May.
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