The Mexico Angle of Biden's Border Rush

The U.S. southern border has been weaponized as millions of unvetted foreigners are distributed throughout the country amid the ongoing Biden Border Rush.
But how does the Mexican government fit into the big picture?
For years, Mexico's illegal immigration policies have been a mishmash.
On the one hand, Mexico has its own immigration law and has detained and deported many illegal aliens.
On the other hand, Mexico often just lets illegals pass through, correctly assuming most of them are going to the United States. Sometimes Mexico even helps them get to the U.S. border.
American leadership makes a big difference. Look at policies of the current president versus his predecessor.
Trump, thinking outside the box and using his foreign policy authority, hit upon a successful strategy.
Trump’s tariff threat actually did compel the Mexican government to reduce the quantity of non-Mexicans crossing their territory to reach the U.S.
Biden, on the other hand, has reversed most of Trump’s immigration policies and facilitated a border invasion.
Todd Bensman, a national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, has a new opinion piece in the New York Post entitled, "How Mexico outfoxed Joe Biden on illegal immigration, knowing he’d never fight back."
Bensman writes:
“Immediately after the [2020] election, the Mexican congress secretively passed a new and unusual law that had been pre-written and a pathway for its quick approval cleared. On November 6, 2020 — within 72 hours of Joe Biden’s election — the “Various Articles of the Migration Law and the Law on Refugees are Reformed, Complementary Protection and Political Asylum in the Matter of Migrant Children” was on President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s desk for signing. On November 11, President Lopez Obrador signed it with no formal announcement or press coverage.”
This law was carefully planned to take effect shortly before Biden’s inauguration.
“The law would be implemented 60 days later, on January 11, just before Trump was to leave office. Boiled down, the law prohibited federal detentions of migrant families with minor children — with or without parents — in all 58 Mexican detention facilities nationwide. To remain in compliance with Mexico’s laws requiring the feeding and sheltering of migrant children, the new law required the government to merely refer them to voluntary-stay shelters.”
“This meant that after January 11, 2021, Mexico could start emptying its detention centers, and thousands of families with their young children could travel freely inside the country, which everyone knew meant the U.S. border.”
Regarding U.S. Title 42, which allows for immediate expulsion, the new Mexican law “gave individual Mexican states authority to refuse U.S. Title 42 expulsions — if the states deemed the private shelters as too full or to be closed for COVID.”
The Mexican state of Tamaulipas, which borders Texas on the Gulf Coast, did precisely that.
“The State of Tamaulipas, the most heavily trafficked by migrants, did just that. It refused to take Biden’s family expellees — on Biden’s Inauguration Day — saying it had no shelter space.”
On Inauguration Day!
“The collective effect of the law was that thousands of migrant families found that they were not only freed from Mexican detention centers, but that, when they crossed the U.S. border, the Americans would have to keep them. Mexican government officials wagered President Biden would take all the families without resistance and threaten nothing like Trump’s trade tariffs. They were right.”
The Mexican government has smart people who pay close attention to U.S. immigration policies. They read Biden quite well.
However, I don't think the Mexicans “outfoxed” Biden. I think they were already reading from the same sheet of music.
There’s a major convergence of interests at work here.
The Mexican government wants a porous U.S. border as a safety valve for its people. It also wants to make it easy for non-Mexicans to pass through to the U.S. border.
The Biden administration wants to bring in millions of foreigners, whom they believe – probably correctly – will eventually vote for Democrats.
It’s a win-win for the Biden administration and the Mexican government.
But what about the American people?
You can find more of Allan Wall's work at his website.