WATCH: Nightfall at the Wide Open New Mexico Border

Border Hawk and fellow border reporter Anthony Aguero take you on a nighttime tour of the southern edge of New Mexico, just feet from Juarez, Mexico.
Nightfall at the Wide Open New Mexico Border
— Border Hawk (@BorderHawkNews) April 11, 2024
Border Hawk and fellow border reporter Anthony Aguero take you on a nighttime tour of the southern edge of New Mexico, just feet from Juarez, Mexico.
In this unprotected area where the border wall abruptly terminates, there is…
In this unprotected area where the border wall abruptly terminates, there is virtually nothing separating the U.S. from one of Mexico's most dangerous cities, where violent crime is rampant and ruthless smugglers and gangs operate with impunity.
We walk you through a tunnel that is often used to move illegals into the U.S. before they are picked up by waiting vehicles and transported deeper into the interior.
"There are scouts up there," Aguero told us, gesturing into the darkness in Mexico. "They're watching everything."
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