WATCH: The Story of Ryan Bagwell, a Young American Killed by Accidental Fentanyl Overdose

The Last Cast: The Story of Ryan Bagwell
Fentanyl overdoses are on the rise nationwide. While people beg for help and action, tragedy continues to strike around every corner. Thousands of pounds of fentanyl continue to be discovered being smuggled across the southern border. This vicious cycle continues every day with no end in sight.
Ryan Bagwell lived just miles from the border. He was known as the class clown, but to his friends and family, he was someone who was passionate, caring, and loving. He had an admiration for fishing and golf, being part of the varsity team for all four years of high school.
After graduation, he began working for his father, making him the happiest he’s ever been. One night as he went out with his friends, he bought a bottle of what he thought were percocets. In reality, what he had purchased was fentanyl.
After taking a pill one night before he went to bed, Ryan, unfortunately, passed away in his sleep. Ryan’s story is a reminder of the fentanyl epidemic that is savaging our United States. He leaves behind a legacy full of love and care, and an urgent reminder of the action we must take to prevent unnecessary passings like his.
This truly is an impactful story on how Ryan tragically lost his life due to #fentanyl poisoning. This is the harsh realty on how fentanyl impacts families. #OnePillKills @TxDPS @GregAbbott_TX
— Chris Olivarez (@LtChrisOlivarez) February 14, 2023
The Last Cast: The Story of Ryan Bagwell via @YouTube